Monday, December 17, 2007

Winter Cleaning

I noticed the other day that our 192GB server was down to 10 GB. And yes, about 85% of that full space is mine- pictures, scrap stuff, and my Photo Editor Documents. So I freaked a little, and started deleting like crazy. Thanks to my awesome ACDSee (which, by the way, if you haven't upgraded to 10, DO IT!!!!! You won't regret it!) I can burn them to dvd's, delete them off my harddrive, and ACDSee still keeps them tagged so if I do decide I end up wanting it, I just put in the dvd. How's that for a run on, fragmented sentence?

Anyway, I am proud to say that I deleted almost 10GB off my hard drive! YAY! So I cleared a little room. My scrapbook pages alone are up to 25 GB, so I'm going to be burning all my photo editor documents to DVD and deleting them this week.

The bad news is, I just unzipped all my latest goodies, and it was 10 GB! So I essentially just made room for my new stuff and am back at the same spot. Uggh!

I haven't scrapped in a couple of weeks- it's completely intentional. After finishing my Christmas album, I needed a break and was starting to get a bit stressed with the holidays coming up. Come January, I'll start back up again, maybe sooner. I just need to recoup- I've averaged 32 layouts per month for the last 5 months, which I think is amazing. So I gave myself permission to focus on other things. Thankfully my CT's all pretty much said to take a break this month anyway. (LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!)

I got my books back from Blurb, and I'll post pics in a few days, along with a review of the company. I'm just too tired tonight.

We finally got our tree up tonight! Now I just have to spend the rest of this week finishing my Christmas shopping, wrapping all these presents, cleaning my house mega time for company, preparing 2 big meals, and trying to get caught up in the black hole that is my laundry. Not to mention everything at work.

Nah, I'm not stressed. Nope!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Way to clean up... at least, to make room for new goodies! I did a big cleanup a little bit ago and I'm ready again. I'm still just cleaning out freebies though. I need to start backing up stuff on DVD, that's for sure!

And 32 LOs a month is amazing! You definitely deserve a break. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!